
Friday, May 16, 2014

Saving Money in a Jar // Part 2

My next Jar-ing idea references back to my Grandmas Wisdom post about us ladies doing something for one way to maybe save up for a much needed pampering night/day out is....

Pay yourself to do the Laundry. Yep, you heard me!!  Whatever you would have to pay to do your laundry at the laundry mat, pay yourself instead...lets say $1 for wash and $1 for dry, so $2 bucks for a whole load of laundry.  So every time you complete a wash load pay up and put it in Jar....and if you need extra motivation to fold and put it away, don't pay yourself until that is done!  I mean whatever way you cut it, the family is getting a steal of a deal ;)

Here is my laundry save up Jar....nothing fancy, but it gets me motivated.

I plan on either using the moolah on a pamper day or maybe really saving up for a Kate Spade purse I have been eyeing ;) !

 Here are all my saving Jars sitting on the dresser in my room....aren't they cute?!  I have added for extra fun a saving jar for a Vacation Fund (gold top jar) and Date Night Jar (silver top far right) for all that extra money (yea right) that comes in here and there (i.e garage sales, recycling, tax refund etc) my "52 week money challenge" Jar

Happy Saving!

Any more money saving tips? Please hit me up! I need more help!


  1. LOVE the idea of a date night jar! I may need to make one!

  2. Wow, great website article.Really many thanks! Awesome.Thanks so significantly for the content post.Much thanks again. Actually, amazing blog post.Really thanks! Fantastic.Really educational post. budget

  3. I like this money saving method! Thanks for sharing! I've started with putting $1 in my jar during the first week of the year. Then, I've added an extra dollar each week. This scheme works so well! The savings grow until they reach $52 for the last week of the year. Isn't it perfect?!
