
Monday, September 1, 2014

Currently {Volume 16}

Thinking About... Balance. I feel right now life is out of balance and I hate that, but sometimes you cannot help it and you just have to accept it and move on.  I love things planned out, with purpose, intention and expectations. My husband loves things to be spontaneous, go with the flow, loose ended and open...this mentality makes me SO anxious, but I know that in order to have balance in our marriage we need to work things out like this. I cannot have every minute of our lives planned out, as much as I try....that would make Mike SO anxious. So this Sunday we had a "spontaneous" day, I planned on having one, I accepted in my head and heart that we would have no plans. It was good, really good.  I can be go with the flow when I am prepared to be go with the flow, its all about my mentality. I am working on it, for the sake of balance =)

Reading...This post, by Anna. So sweet

Listening... to Lorde. I like putting on Lorde radio on Pandora somtimes, when I am cleaning the house and the song "team" recently struck me. I love it. It reminds me a bit of the community of bloggers and friends I have made in the blogosphere....We are on each others team. Ok, this music video is weird, but, I still like the song =)

Watching... Just watched Divergent this weekend. I liked it. Husband thought it was blah. 

Thankful For... Family time. We have a crazy fall schedule, between me and my husband we are out of town or we have something "big" on every weekend from now through November, it is seriously cray cray. So, in light of that it is making us buckle down and be very intentional and guarding of our needed family time.

What about you? What are you CURRENTLY up to?

   A Mama Collective


  1. Love that last picture of your family! I read the Divergent series and got my husband all pumped up to watch it, he liked it :) Have you read the books? The movie was good, I thought they did a great job getting as many details as possible, but you know books are always better the story you paint in your mind is so vivid!

  2. Balance can be so hard to find or figure out! I love all your photos! And, we are currently up to a lot of liquids, cartoons, *fingers crossed* for rest, and feeling better from Hand Foot Mouth (boo!). Both my littles got it so we've been hanging out with Big Bird and Bob the Builder. ;)

  3. I could have wrote this SAME EXACT SENTENCE: "I love things planned out, with purpose, intention and expectations. My husband loves things to be spontaneous, go with the flow, loose ended and open...this mentality makes me SO anxious, but I know that in order to have balance in our marriage we need to work things out like this."

    WOW- We are also trying to find balance now that school has started. It is coming together, but wow..somedays are harder than others.
    I love your beautiful vibrant photos. Your daughter is adorable.
    Fun family time is wonderful :)

    Stopping by from the link up. ~ Becky with Choose Happy

  4. Oh balance, it's a beast! Beautiful roundup of photos and activities... loved the water park photo and Gigi's in front of that awesome succulent wall!
