
Monday, September 29, 2014

Currently {Volume 17} :: Influence Conference Edition

So Remember when this happened? I was the Influence Conference giveaway winner, I won airfare, ticket for the conference, hotel stay you know the whole shabang.  Crazy, right?! 
Post about my shock is here
That leads me into "Currently" for this week- Influence Conference Edition

Thinking about.... Since I was the big giveaway winner, I knew that was all God's work, so I went in with an open heart to learn and listen to what the Lord wanted for me at this conference. He has a plan for me and I want to know what it is!! So much to process from the weekend. There were amazing speakers sharing how to love Jesus and build his kingdom, speakers giving helpful tips on how to be better bloggers and small business owners, and a strategy panel and workshops that gave a strategic approach to all that we do. All were so helpful! The Lord did a lot in my heart, revealed to me what my heart truly desires and gave me some hints on the path he wants me to go on. So scary, but so exciting!
Listening to...... All about that Bass. Because of my traveling arrangements, I arrived at the Influence Conference as soon as the party started at 8 on Thursday, I rushed and ran down with my friends. It was 20 minutes in that there was a lip-sync off and my brave rommate, Kristen signed us up....I mean I knew she was going to do it, but was hoping she was just kidding....well no. It wasn't more then 2 seconds later I was hearing all four of our names being called to show off our never rehearsed before lip sync.....and we nailed it! Pretty gosh darn proud! Talk about letting things go and not caring what people think, sheesh, thrown right into that and I am happy to associated with these very talented women!  

go here for the video ------> Post by Cassie Kent.

Loving.....All my swag from the Sashes Market at the Conference! I was given some spending money with my giveaway package (uh, hello?! Yea!) and I think I spent it wisely...what do you think?!

Prints:: Lindsay Letters Bows:: Oh Tiny Gifts  Purse:: Ivey Expressions

Thankful For..... Blogging friends turned into Real Life friends and I am positive will be lasting ones! My roommates were We had long conversations on family, life, dreams, blogging, passions, faith. We were real with each other and were able to just dive right in!  We especially loved that we were a mixed bag a faiths- Pentecostal, Baptist, and 2 Catholics. We had many a conversation on our beliefs and how much we love our faith and Jesus- building bridges. Love ecumenical friendships- follow our hashtag #ecumenicalfriendships and join in on this really important work of celebrating Jesus and sharing in our love for Him!

If you do not know my roomates already you need to! Run don't walk to their blogs!
Jenna // A Mama Collective
Christie // Letters from the Nest
Kristen // When at Home

Thank you to all the lovely ladies at the Influence Network for pouring your hearts into this conference and for giving me the opportunity to be there! I was beyond blessed!

   A Mama Collective


  1. I had no idea you won that giveaway (still fairly new on the blogging community scene and to your blog)! Such a gift! I loved following y'alls IG accts. So much fun, beauty, and goodness were so apparent! Holy Spirit is so good!

  2. So glad to see you had an amazing time at the conference, Cas! And can't wait to see the fruit that comes from it!

  3. Love it!!! Sounds like you had an amazing time!! haha and that video is amazing! Can't wait to hear more about the conference as you digest it all!

  4. Awesome, yes the Lord puts us where He wants us and where we are most needed to learn and grow! Congratulations the pics are amazing! :)

  5. Thanks for visiting my place through the link-up. How fantastic that you won the chance to go to the conference. It is good to see hard working ladies finding friendship and refresh their outlook on life. Thanks for sharing!

  6. What an amazing opportunity! I'm heading to my first conference next Saturday (the 11th) and I'm so excited! Looks like you had a great time. God definitely placed you there for a reason!

  7. Was splendid to attend Mass with you and Jenna. Glad we met.

  8. Congrats on winning the giveaway! It looks like such a great experience! I would love to go next year!

  9. What an AWESOME weekend! Sounds like so much fun. That purse/swag :-) is amazing!!

  10. Such an awesome weekend - I was happy to have met you there! :) (Will you be going next year?!)

  11. I absolutely LOVE this post!!!!!!!!!! I am sooo happy for you that you WON! That is so wonderful.
    Oh, how I would LOVE to win a trip to a blogging conference someday. That would be absolutely amazing!
    Stopping by from the link up ~Becky with Choose Happy~
