
Friday, May 30, 2014

Homeschool // Pre-school // Food Group: Grains

"Grains" was my lesson for the month of March. We were covering the different food groups and this is the one I got.  At first I was like, wait what?! Its a bland topic, just like the food ;), but after thinking about it I am really happy how the lesson came about.  I started with an explanation of how we get grains- from seed to bread in a short picture video clip I found on a great website called the I got all my resources from their website.  I used the following flash cards to break down the process:

and then I had the kids tape them on my easel board I use for lessons so that it got them interactive.

Next we watched a video from the about how bread is made in the factory. After that I used the following flash cards in order that they may visually see all the foods that they eat that are made with- GRAINS:

I had the kids one by one tell me what each one was.  
I summed up the lesson with a fun reading of the book, "If you give a Pig a Pancake"
Lastly, we always have a "hands on" activity and today I planned we should make nothing other than Pancakes! 

 So we measured what I told them was "flour" (which comes from grains) ;) (really it was pancake mix, I am not Martha Stewart here)
 and then we proceeded to measure out the milk, whisk, and add the egg at the end.  I took them up to the griddle and they got to scoop out the mixture and make their very own pancake.  

**This also lends itself to a good lesson in measurement, estimation and even math. 

We had a lot of fun and the kids really enjoyed the lesson...and the pancakes! Lets be honest, their favorite part was the pancake, but hey I can dream right?!  

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Kreative // String Art Craft Night Recap

Last week we had our 2nd Kreative::Craft Night.  So.Much.Fun.  We did a String Art Project- you could choose between a Heart, Anchor or Ampersand.  I was super jazzed to host the party this month in my backyard.  Here is a recap in pictures of the evening. THANK YOU Katie for these amazing photos! 
Please check out her Blog and amazing  photographic work HERE!

Always a really great night! Thanks to all the ladies who came to this month's event.  If you want to make your own string art head on over HERE for my tutorial. Please check out the Kreative tab for more information about attending our once a month shin-dig or to contact me to organize your own craft party! 

Our next Kreative we are making Succulent Terrariums, can't wait!  

Thanks again Katie for the AMAZING photos!

Also check out a guest post I did for Bonnie over at A Knotted Life 

Monday, May 26, 2014

Currently {Volume 3}

Thinking About... Memorial Day Weekend gives me such a taste for Summer! I am so ready for grilling out, beach time, pool parties, Camp, spontaneous adventures and  ice cream dates. Even though I don't work anymore as a teacher, summer still promises magical and memorable moments and I can't wait!  We had a very summer-esque weekend- wedding, pizza, hosting out of town guests, baseball game and beach. I am ready to make summer a routine. 
Fun snap shots at our friend's wedding this weekend. This is me and Bro and the Charlie Boy...Char Char did not get the memo you were supposed to make a different face in each picture. Work on it Char.

This cute kid is my nephew, Cyrus... The. Coolest. Kid. I am affectionately called "Aunt  Cashie", Holla!

Listening to... "RUDE" By Magic.  It is dangerously catchy, bound to be a summer Jam for sure!


Watching... Mike and I are finally catching up on the current season of Game of Thrones and I am probably a little too excited that one of the more annoying main characters died..hehe

Thankful For... My Dad. We celebrated his birthday on Sunday by doing something very Americana for Memorial Day weekend--we went to a Baseball game- Go Padres!  It was a perfect, beautiful day and an extra miracle- the Padres won.  Love my Daddio. He gets me, I get him we are the same person- but well, different.  He makes all parties more fun.  He is thoughtful, organized, direct, bold, courageous, funny, sentimental, stubborn, sometimes inappropriate and occasionally drives me crazy, but most importantly very loved.  I admire and am so proud of his work and what he has accomplished in life (he is an architect).  He is an amazing Dad and I am so so honored to be his "princess"/daughter. I love you dad. I mean who wouldn't want to hang out with this amazing Papa....

What about you? What are you CURRENTLY up to? 

   A Mama Collective

Friday, May 23, 2014

String Art // DIY // Anchor, Heart, Ampersand

Just a fun little DIY for your weekend.  I know I briefly covered a DIY string art a few weeks ago, but this time I actually covered all the steps it takes to make a beautiful statement piece for your home. So lets jump on it:

1. Cut the size wood plaque you want for your design, the one above is 12x12
2. Stain or paint your wood, I went with a dark stain so that the lighter string color would POP
3. Cut out the shape of your design (I have a Cricut, so I cut out a 12x12 size anchor with a cartridge I already like the paper I used? Just some leftover scrapbook from Gigi's baby book), use double sided tape to adhere to the wood
4. Nail it! Outline the shape of the design with little nails (1 package of wire nails from Home Depot will be plenty), I spaced mine out approximately 1/2 inch or less apart
5. Pick a String color of your choice and GO CRAZY!

Here are some other pieces of String Art I have done and displayed around the house......

Guess I am a little obsessed.

Linking up with:

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Preschool // Mailman //Valentines Day Lesson

For the month of February my lesson fell during the week of Valentines Day. This Mont our theme is "Community Helpers", so this week I focused in on the Mailman.

I started with explaining mail: how it works, what it looks like and introducing the role of the mailman.  I then went it into valentines day discussing how we send/mail valentines to our loved ones and the mailman is the one that delivers them.  We talked about how we show love and the importance of being kind to one another.

Time for our activity!  We made "mailboxes" for our valentines.  I got the idea and directions on how to make them Here (except we sewed the plates together instead of staple) After teaching them how to "Sew" it together, they were able to decorate it! Next we all wrote each friend a letter (with moms help), using kind words and sharing one thing we like about our favorite was what Gigi said about Michael, "I love his smile", so sweet.  They put them in an envelope, addressed it to their friend, and put a stamp on it (a square shaped sticker).


We put all of them in our mailbox at our house. I had them all sit in a chair with their mailboxes on the back of them.  I was the "mailman" and delivered the letters in their mailboxes.  They also got to take turns being the "mailman" and delivered their valentines (which they brought to school) in each others mailboxes.


Then the fun part....opening our Mail and Valentines! This was a super fun day!

Oh, and Gigi still has her mailbox on her door knob.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Currently // {Volume 2}

Thinking About...Our annual Girls weekend away trip.  Every year a group of us girl have a get-away weekend. It originally was a scrapbook weekend, but it has turned into craft, projects, chick flick galore, relax, do whatever you want weekend- which is great!  The important thing is that we are together enjoying each others company, letting ourselves relax and be refreshed.  I got some much needed projects done prepping for this week's Kreative::Craft Night (we are doing string art!) and had a fun little photo op sesh ;)  We stay at a CUTE renovated barn house in the rustic charming town of Julian, CA (about an hour away from San Diego) and the out-laying property is GORGEOUS!  Since Charlie Bear is still nursing I brought him along, so he was the Man of the House.

Reading...Still working on the same book (Viva Jacquelina! by L.A. Meyer). I am almost done with that series though, so was thinking of something new, maybe Game of Thrones. Any suggestions?

Listening to..."Do you want to build a snowman?....Let it Go...Love is an open door"............


I am in a Love/Hate relationship with Frozen.

PLEASE!  Can anyone else relate????????????????? 

This is more like it!  Seriously all you mommas out there, be prepared to pee your pants! Please watch/listen to this!

Watching...The shows I love watching (ahem, without Mike) are Nashville (its over?!), Mr. Selfridge (on PBS) and Call the Mid-Wife (really behind though, have not even started the recently season...also on PBS)...Love them all. Any other recommendations? What are your without the husband favs?

Thankful For... 2 Things this week....

1. A good friend of mine (and mike!) got ordained a priest this weekend in the Archdiocese of Denver. We could not be there, but they had a live stream of it- which we that is me pointing at him...he was always easy to find with his shining bald head. Still love that I have a friend that is a priest....CRAZY AWESOME!

2. Another good friend of mine, Stephanie, had a Birfffffday the Friday of Girls we made sure to make her feel really special.  Very blessed by her friendship, so it was an honor to love her up!  Extra bonus that we happen to be on this property for the weekend, I hyped up the whimsy/rustic decor for our dinner party and it turned out magical.  I mean the white barn in the background?! hello. 
Happy Birfffday Steph!

What about you? What are you CURRENTLY up to?

   A Mama Collective

Friday, May 16, 2014

Saving Money in a Jar // Part 2

My next Jar-ing idea references back to my Grandmas Wisdom post about us ladies doing something for one way to maybe save up for a much needed pampering night/day out is....

Pay yourself to do the Laundry. Yep, you heard me!!  Whatever you would have to pay to do your laundry at the laundry mat, pay yourself instead...lets say $1 for wash and $1 for dry, so $2 bucks for a whole load of laundry.  So every time you complete a wash load pay up and put it in Jar....and if you need extra motivation to fold and put it away, don't pay yourself until that is done!  I mean whatever way you cut it, the family is getting a steal of a deal ;)

Here is my laundry save up Jar....nothing fancy, but it gets me motivated.

I plan on either using the moolah on a pamper day or maybe really saving up for a Kate Spade purse I have been eyeing ;) !

 Here are all my saving Jars sitting on the dresser in my room....aren't they cute?!  I have added for extra fun a saving jar for a Vacation Fund (gold top jar) and Date Night Jar (silver top far right) for all that extra money (yea right) that comes in here and there (i.e garage sales, recycling, tax refund etc) my "52 week money challenge" Jar

Happy Saving!

Any more money saving tips? Please hit me up! I need more help!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Saving Money in a Jar // DIY // Part 1

I am terrible with money- budgeting, saving, spending...everything.  I'ts a difficult game for me to understand, because I am such a hands on learner its hard for me to grasp money going out and coming in when everything is automated and we use credit/debit cards all the time.  Mike and I are constantly re-evaluating our budget and how to stay on that budget...its so darn hard!  However, I came across a few ideas that I liked and work for me on a smaller scale.  The first is:

 "52 week money challenge"

For each week of the year you put away that much money in a jar
Example: Week 1: one dollar, Week 2: two dollars....Week 52: fifty-two dollars
So in total at the end of the year you will have: 1,378.00 dollars!

You can download the same sheet I used here. My inspiration came from here.

So you need to find a Large Jar...Pickles anyone?
I spray painted the top for fun!
Print out your template and Modge Podge it
*Poof* done!

Wowzers, so simple.  There is something I understand and get about taking physical cash every week out of my wallet and putting it in my jar....its very empowering! Hey, look I am saving!  I seriously feel like a kid (...its probably because this was a tool your teachers used to teach you how to save in like 1st grade) and I am doing it...and loving it!  Its so much easier too to part with your money when it is in small increments.

I have a goal for that money, don't you worry.  If we don't get to it sooner it will go to a much needed master-bath know one of those homeowner things that has been on your list since you bought the house (ahem, 5 years ago)!  We keep saying to ourselves "we need to save up"...well here I am finally "saving up!".  

Also something I might use this jar saving idea for is... Christmas gifts! We don't spend that much money on Christmas gifts, but a good chunk could go for getting some great stuff, plus scheduling wise it works out great....If I start in January then the jar will be pretty much "Full Jar-ed" by December.  I buy Christmas presents throughout the year, so I might need to stock pile a jar a year in advance so I am free to spend it on gifts throughout the year. Anywho, pretty cool idea huh? 

Wont You join me in this challenge? It is never too late to start saving.  Happy Saving! 

Do you have any money saving tips?  Please help me out!

Linking up with:

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Currently // (Vol. 1)

So excited to post my first "Currently" in a link up hosted by a Mama Collective and Home Away from Home.  Welp, here it goes...

Thinking About... Mothers Day! Wow, it was a good one. I was able to sleep in, have bacon and coffee in bed (I hate all other breakfast food...I know it's a sin), and Mike made me a very thoughtful memory book... Once we got up and about we went to a local winery where  they were also having a craft fair...ummm heaven (wine and crafts!! It could not have been more perfect).   It was a beautiful day to enjoy the sunshine, the laughing of my children and contemplating what an honor it is to be a Parent. No seriously. Mike and I look at each other sometimes and just are in awe of our kids and how amazing they are.  Blessed, we are very blessed.

*wait, can you even handle the face Gigi is making in that picture? I mean, what is that? =)*

Reading... Viva Jacquelina! Which is the 10th book out of 11 in the Bloody Jack series.  I love it! My dad got me hooked on it because he discovered it and thought of me- since the main character is a strong, adventurous, sometimes bossy, spunky female lead character.  It is a fun easy read--I actually listen to books via and the gal who does the voices for this series is fabulous.  I enjoy reading easy, light-hearted, get caught up in the fun of it all books (dont judge if you might find this book in the juvenile young adult section).  This series comes highly recommended by both me and my daddio.

Listening to...  The new NeedtoBreathe album. Its Fantastic.  My Hubby loves to binge on albums when they first come out, so l i t e r a l l y we have been listening to this album non-stop. I don't mind though, it really is great! Even Gigi sings along. I am really encouraged how boldly christian they are in their lyrics.

Watching...  Scandal. Parenthood. Revenge.  These are Mike and I's current favorite shows  line-up that we enjoy watching together.  I think we might drop Revenge after this season- its a little to soap opera-y for me.  Scandal just had its 3rd season finale and it was a good one. Parenthood is a very relaxing tug on your heart show and we just eat it up- its fun to watch a show and truly relate with what is happening to the main characters.

Thankful For... The Hubs.  He is really supportive of the time I need for ME.  Even when he has a list a mile long of things he needs to do, he will just include the kids with him to give me a much needed break or time to work on blogging or whatever.  Here he is with the kids heading off to Home Depot. What a guy. ;) Also....he made me a very thoughtful Mothers Day gift- a memory book of pictures (he made!) of our journey from dating to family. I love it.

Hope you had a very blessed Mothers Day weekend!  

What about you? What are you CURRENTLY up to?

   A Mama Collective

Friday, May 9, 2014

"Golfing" // Grandmas Wisdom

In light of Mothers Day weekend, I want to kick-off a series I would like to regularly feature on my blog..."Grandma's Wisdom" showcase her heart and genius in lessons on life. I hope she will touch your heart as much as she has impacted mine.

My Grandma is one smart cookie.  She has passed on to me more wisdom of how to live life... and live it to the fullest than any other person I know.  Today the kernel of wisdom I want to share with you is how to go "Golfing"....okay, before you tune me out and think I am crazy, read on...

 Let me begin with some background so you can understand and fully appreciate what I want to share.  My Gramps and often my dad and brother used to go golfing every Friday, it was their thing, something they all enjoyed doing together.  Well Grams having no traditional hobby, sport, activity that she could really enjoy with others felt a little left out, however she does LOVE to shop, bargain shop and find a "steal of a deal" (I definitely inherited that from her!...thanks Grams!) and it just so happens that us girls (me and my mom) love to shop too! So when the boys went golfing....Grams declared that the girls should also go "Golfing" too - our version (!)- It's only fair right?! Why should the boys get all the fun of doing something together and the girls not just because they don't have an interest in a specific hobby....*I think shopping should be a hobby, granted a somewhat dangerous one on the wallet, but nonetheless a hobby.*

So the wisdom I have learned in this silly, but profound lesson is this....

It is important for women to get together and do something they enjoy doing together.  All too often I think we fall prey to never leaving the house because of the duties that tie us there...we always need an excuse, something "Important" to do in order for it to justify pulling us away.  It is easier for men *in my opinion* to get together because they are naturally involved in things that bring them together in a community- golfing, participating in a softball, bowling or soccer league, poker nights, meeting for happy hour drinks after work- you get the idea.  

But for women, it's not a natural thing to leave the house, justify the expense and make the effort to meet up with friends, but we probably need it the most!!  Adult conversation, wait what?! You mean we don't have to talk like we are 5?! We need community, we need to connect and we need to enjoy ourselves and let off some steam once in awhile....flat out WE NEED EACH OTHER!  

 Honestly "golfing" can be done on any budget or it does not have to involve money at all, just time, spending time on yourself and for yourself, is the real kicker...especially for moms *enter the mommy guilt*...just do it! All Mommies need time to recharge, refocus and be rejuvenated. And please, for the love of Pete, DON'T FEEL GUILTY about it!

 It is important for guys to have their "guy" time and ladies to have their "lady" time. We cannot give what we do not have, so we need to make sure we receive our happiness in our souls so that we can pass it down to the little ones we nurture everyday.   

The point is that all too often women do not take the time they need for themselves.  This is not a rant on the hubby's by any means, Mike practically pushes me out of the door whenever something comes up I am interested in, he is very supportive of this.  It is ME - I am my own worst enemy - I battle with myself to go out and DO something for myself or enjoy the company of others. 

It is hard to justify the means and time to do something for yourself, but it is soooo important to do it.  So thanks Grams, for being an example to me that "Golfing" is not just for the boys! So ladies...tee it up!  .........FOUR!!!!

Love you Grams! XOXO 

Happy Mothers Day!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Vintage Alphabet Baby Shower

I was able to host a shower for my good friend, Sarah, for her second boy (oh my gosh already 2 years back now!)!  I love vintage books and Sarah is a teacher, so the theme evolved out of those two interests.  I love a good vintage feel to pretty much anything so it was exciting to go for it!

Here is the tablescape (it's missing some of the food that was still arriving....don't worry guests were well fed!).  I bought the ABCs at Michaels and wrapped yarn around them to add a little color.  The color scheme was orange, yellow and teal.  That is our guest of honor up there too on the far left!  The party was a low-key small dessert party that was held in the evening (so please forgive the lighting in all the pics).  It's nice having a smaller shower for the second kiddo and really focus in on celebrating the life of the little one and uplifting the momma.  There were so many fun little projects that went into hosting this party, here are some of them...

The backdrop you see hanging behind the table from my curtains is two things...1. Foam alphabet bunting: It's actually an alphabet puzzle (Thrift find!) I strung together with yarn and the inside of the letters I used as part of the favor decor (see picture right under)'s so fun to use ALL of something! 2. Lights: I put plastic Dixie cups over each light on a string of Christmas lights and glued paper over the cups to incorporate the colors of the theme. Ok, seriously, this was an awesome worth while project for any party, because its easy, adds such a great detail, and the lights add such a  fun glow to an evening event! Highly recommend it! My inspiration was found here This shower this was featured on, so check it out here and scroll all the way down!

The Favors were little sprout-ling brown cups with a card that said, "F is for Flower" and attached to it were flower seeds to plant.  Easy Peasy. Again, I used the alphabet letters from the puzzle I made into bunting for cutesy decoration on the outside of the cup to give it that extra wow factor. ;)

For accents around the house I incorporated a picture of the cute preggie momma and vintage books everywhere!  The book from the pictures above is an old encyclopedia book for the letter 'A' my school at the time was getting rid of the whole set so I scooped them up!

For serving our desserts I found some great alphabet puzzles and put glass over them so they served double for being cute and two for being practical...they were serving plates! I had a fabulous old crate that I lined with tin foil and used it to serve our cold beverages.  Also, I scored a really neat vintage tackle box from a  garage sale that I used for coffee and tea condiments (i.e. sugar, cream, honey etc.). All the while still displaying vintage books throughout...I even framed a few pages from those books, because the illustrations were really cute!

For our "Activity" during the shower (our little group of friends is slightly anti-shower games....shhh dont tell anyone) we did a craft, people were more into it and the preggie momma gets to walk away with win! I did research as usual on pinterest and stumbled on this idea....making your own personalized baby blocks.  Each person did one...they picked out a fun scrapbook paper, added a letter sticker on top if desired, a dabble of Mod Podge and blocks!  I am sorry I do not have a personal tutorial for this, since this party took place BB- before blog....but the inspiration and helpful tips can be found here..

I hope you enjoyed being a part of this shower as much as I had hosting it!