
Friday, December 12, 2014

Handmade for the Holidays // Jewelry Gifts // Whole Parenting Goods

Jewelry. Everyone loves receiving it and there are a million different ways to make it that is budget friendly. 

From Morgan over at Pepper Design Blog

Handmade Gifts: DIY Giant Beaded Necklaces |
DIY Giant Beaded Necklace

Handmade Gift: Gradient Wooden Bead Statement Necklace |

Wood Bead Necklace

And don't forget to support local and handmade during the holidays! Our Etsy Shop feature today is Whole Parenting Goods, they have the cutest kids clothes, knit scarves and blankets to keep you and your little one cozy and stylin.
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Nell is a mother of three, recovering lawyer, mommy blogger, and handmade textile artisan. She knit organic cotton blankets & soft wool scarves. She designs & sews little leggings & twirly skirts. She painstakingly makes bandana bibs & contoured burp cloths for her own teething burper. Sourcing locally & organically as much as possible, her etsy shoppe Whole Parenting Goods is a place of joy & delight. Hopefully for you, too, in the this season of holiday cheer. 

Visit her blog to find more about her and her littles, Whole Parenting Family.

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