cookieOptions = {...}; Kent Heartstrings: December 2014

Repurposed. Keurig Cup Carousel.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Happy Monday Folks!

I found this Keurig Carousel at the thrift for a few bucks and knew I could figure out how to use it for something else.  I desperately needed a way to keep all my acrylic paint organized and yet have them displayed so I could still see the colors easy enough.  After a few adaptations this Keurig carousel was perfect! 

Step 1: Spray paint Keurig Caruosel. I went with a Rustoleum metallic gold

Step 2: The acrylic paint did not work “as is” unfortunately I had to make the middle size “thicker” in order for the acrylic pain containers to actually stay. So I troublshooted several different ways to make this work and this was my solution.  I found a thick piece of paper, almost like a cardboard texture, and fed it through, circled it around the middle pole until it was the thickness I needed to fill the gap in order for the acrylic pain containers to stay.

Step 3: Tape the paper after you found the desired width needed

Step 4: To insure the paper around the middle pole stayed in place I simply, stuffed it with paper towels, so it would not move around and stayed firm.

Step 5: Make a nice circle for the top of the carousel, so it looks prettier. I just used leftover paper, cut the circle width I need, and cut a small slit to slide it on. I did not tape mine, but you could if you wanted to.

Boom. Done. Organized.

Happy Repurposing!


Merry Christmas

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas, from our family to yours. I hope this wonderful day finds you and your loved ones joy-filled with Christ's coming.  May we all find strength,peace and joy that can only be found in the Lord. And may this new year be a particularly blessed one! 
God Bless Us.

Wreath Update: Christmas // MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

This is my happy wreath that graces our front door this Christmas season!  I made is back in the summer, tutorial on how to make this Burlap Rag Wreath can be found HERE. What I love about this wreath is its versatility to go from season to season with some simple changes and embellishments (which is the fun part anyway!). You can see my wreath's progression below!

Fun right? I am in love with this wreath! Definitely worth the investment in materials and time to make!

From our happy Home to yours- Merry Christmas!

Mason Jar Snow Globe // DIY

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

I love this whimsy new holiday decoration I have added to the collection this year. I love all things that have to do with Mason Jars. Period. But these sweet little trees? Come on, they are SO cute. I love them. So this combo definitely has me happy, I hope it makes you happy too!


Mason Jar
Small Tree(s)
Snowflakes and or Epsom salt 

Step 1: Glue tree(s) to bottom of mason jar lid. Step 2: Let sit until dry. Step 3: Pour sparkly snowflake dust. Step 4(optional): Pour epsom salt. Step 5: fill until desired height in jar, mine was an inch and a half up form the bottom. Step 6: place lid with trees adhered back on the jar.

Enjoy and be happy.

Merry Christmas!

Filling the dead space with LIFE - Practical ways to pray without ceasing // Part 4

Monday, December 22, 2014

Last week of Advent and its a short one, because Christmas is this week! Crazy! Still trying to incorporate more prayer in my life! So lets get to the last way this advent I have found that helps me to remember to pray:
This week's dead space we will fill with Life is- 
time spent in the CAR. So many times I catch myself zoning out and going to la la land. So instead, place a reminder in your car that will center you and remind you to pray.  I am particularly focusing on Praising the Lord in pray, hence the post-it note "praise"

Lets recap all the different ways we can remember to pray throughout the day!

Kreative Recap- November- Paper Christmas Trees

Friday, December 19, 2014

For November's Kreative we made these super cute paper christmas trees! The ladies nailed it as usual and got super into it! I loved how they all came together! Here is recap in pictures of our fabulously fun night! If you are in the San Diego area I would love for you to join in!

For more details and registration go to the Kreative Page. If you are interested in having me host a Kreative event for you, please contact me
And now you can join our new fancy mailing list..knock yourself out.

Subscribe to our mailing list and we will keep you informed on all things Kreative

December (yesterday!) we made these great Mason Jar crafts:

January we will be making these cute and handy etched mugs! To sign up, head on over to the Kreative page!

Ecumenical Friendships

Thursday, December 18, 2014

It’s Ecumenical Wednesday....I mean Thursday ;) sorry everyone, had to push it back a day! Woot. This movement of women across denominational lines is building bridges, creating friendships, and breaking down stereotypes and prejudices. It’s a simple thing, and it’s fierce. God is in the reconciliation business, and we’re honored to help you see faith from another perspective. If you’re interested in being featured, email Kristen and we can get the ball rolling!


 You guys are pretty much the luckiest readers in the world today because you get to know my sweet friend, Christie. I am pretty much obsessed with her southern drawl and she is very practically the kind person I have ever met. She blogs at Letters from the Nest and contributes at the Knoxville Moms Blog. Christie is the embodiment of southern charm and southern snark and I just love her to pieces. Ladies and gentlemen...Christie.

How did you come to your faith?

I could answer this question by simply saying that I went to church and was a good girl growing up. But neither of those things brought me to Christ. The Lord grabbed my heart and has not let go, regardless of the good or evil that I have done. He has chosen me from the beginning as a part of His people. Looking back, it is so evident to see His hand working in my life, as I am so undeserving and in such a need for a Savior.

What has been the biggest challenge you’ve faced with your faith?

There is such a freedom to worship in our country, especially where I am from, that I cannot say that I have been faced with many challenges as my brothers and sisters in Christ in other countries. Knowing that I have the freedom to open my Bible and teach my children the Word humbles me in the midst of so many martyrs of the faith around the world.

What does Ecumenical Friendship mean to you?

It means breaking bread around the table with those who worship the Lord as I do. Serving in the same community to help the people who reside here. We love God, we love people. Church services may differ. Traditions are not exactly the same. But the worship of the Lord IS. And that’s where it matters.

Did you have any incorrect perceptions about what the Catholic church was like? What were they and what or who helped you see things differently?

Catholicism, from the outside, seemed very strict and tradition based. And while Catholics do follow religious rituals, they are joyful and loving people. They seem to embrace the church’s teachings and find peace there.

Why do you think cross-denominational friendships are important? 

With all of the horrendous happenings in our world today, teaming up with other denominations/churches to bring light to a dark world and seeking to serve the lost should always be our goal. Working together to worship the Creator!

If you could break down one stereotype about your church, whether Protestant or Catholic, what would it be? 

It seems people believe that if you are a Protestant, you have to have your car plastered in Christian bumper stickers, your radio is permanently set to a faith based station, and your Christmas wish list is from Altar'd State. Believers come in many shapes, sizes, piercings, and tattoos. And radio stations set to 90s grunge channels. What does the heart look like? That’s what God wants. Our hearts. Not our ichthus emblems on the trunks of our cars.

If you could share one thing that you’ve learned about Protestants/Catholics with other Protestants/Catholics, what would you say?

We could all learn so much from the devotion Catholics have to their body of believers. We are the body of Christ, and we should all take to heart the importance of meeting together and look forward to it with great anticipation! Two of my Influence roommates, Jenna and Cassie, took the time that weekend and find a Catholic church in the city we were to attend Mass instead of skipping it since they were out of their hometown. I found that inspiring and challenging. Ecumenical Friendships || Christie

Do you want to be a part of the Ecumenical Friendships movement? Here are a few ways to participate in the movement :

Share your photos and stories of friendship and faith on instagram using the hashtag #ecumenicalfriendships. We'll pick a few stories to feature every month.

Email your answers to these 7 questions to with a short bio and a headshot and I'll feature you in an upcoming Ecumenical Friendships blog post

Build Bridges. Start the movement. #ecumenicalfriendships

Paper Christmas Trees Decor

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Merry Merry Everyone!  Bringing you a simple, easy and gorgeous decoration idea for your home!  I made these a few years back and loved them so much I have preserved them through the years and have made more this year!

Step 1: Grab a Magazine

Step 2: Open Magazine, leave the front cover as is, do both the covers last
Step 3: Take top right corner of the first page and fold, crease well
Step 4: Grab then the right corner again (found more in the middle now)

Step 5: Crease the second fold
Step 6: make a crease/indent on the bottom flap using the magazine as your template

Step 7: Open the fold and bend the extra , inside, using the crease as your guide
Step 8: Fold the second fold back into place and crease well
Step 9: Turn the little tree limp over

Step 10: Repeat until magazine is all done

Tips: Feather out tree when finished and play with the shape. Use tape if necessary to get the look you want. Maybe even tape the two covers together

Step 11: Paint and Embellish to your hearts content!

Here are a few examples of different variations I made and the ladies who attended November's Kreative craft night had the option of making too!

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