I love clothes. But even more then that I LOVE clothes with a Purpose, full of intention. Paradigm Clothing is a label that is trying to make a positive mark in the fashion industry- selling fashionable, super comfy apparel with a message. I could go on and on, but I think they say it best themselves:
Paradigm is all about life. It is the pattern we live by and
the lens through which we see the world. Some see with a clear and pure lens,
and others have a lens that is a little cloudy. Truth in our culture has become
distorted. It has become something that is adaptable to each individual,
depending on his or her desires and needs. However, the fact is that truth
cannot be molded or changed. Truth has been foundational since the beginning of
time. Our mission at Paradigm Clothing is to clean the lens that the world
looks through – making truth clear and definitive once more.
Our culture is asleep. We desire to awaken culture through
truth. We will do that by presenting clothing with a somewhat hidden message.
Clothing that uses art and style to subtly convey a deeper meaning. Our world
longs for something different, something fulfilling, something worth living
for. It longs for the promise that Christ gave: to “have life to the fullest”
(John 10:10). In order for this “something different” to happen, there needs to
be a paradigm shift in the minds and hearts of our culture. The lens through
which we view life needs to undergo a transformation. Paradigm Clothing is not
the agent of change that will bring about this transformation, but is a tool
that will be used by the agents of change. We as the Church must be the change
we want to see in the world. We are agents of change. It is time for a paradigm
Deep rooted stuff, right?! I am pumped to be able to bring you this giveaway today! You will be entered to win Paradigm Clothing's new summer release girls sweatshirt, "Riddles"...It is a super comfy sweatshirt with of course an even more super (probably not grammatically correct) message! Browse through these amazing pics and check it out!
"The Riddles of God are more satisfying than the solutions of man"
- G.K Chesterton
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,
as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts."
- Isaiah 55:8-9
It is a very human trait to want answers. Yet God does not always give us the answers for why things happen or when our prayers will be answered. We can often feel as though we are stuck in his riddle. As Catholics we call this "Mystery". It is important that we know that God is always leading us to Him and thus to love and goodness itself. "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" Romans 8:28. We must try to bypass that tendency to look for answers all the time and learn to trust in the God who is leading us to fullness of life.
Good Luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway